Monday, March 01, 2010

A little more ballast

Today was blood transfusion day, two units' worth. Didn't make me feel like a million bucks, but a lot more than the $1.49 I have felt like of late.

Mostly, the new blood seemed to affect my general seaworthiness. As I walked out to Karen's car afterwards (bless her and Mary for doing a tag-team job of keeping me company today), I felt more solid, as though my legs were made of sterner stuff.

No small thing, that.

Also had more work done on my aching back by a gifted PT, who did a variety of things to yours truly, the most amusing being a pair of metal pads that sent vacillating current across and into my skin. My back felt as though it was being massaged by a couple of very strong centipedes, for lack of a better way of putting it. Almost fell asleep on the table, it was so relaxing--and my back didn't hurt during this process at all (the other things that were done? Never mind).

Came home a half hour late for the Bombshell's feeding, but all has been forgiven (she's easy that way). Had enough gumption to make a decent supper (salad and cheese tortellini and sauce), and am now contemplating a short walk, perhaps with She Who Must Be Obeyed. We shall see.

Tomorrow is a light day, which is good, for Wednesday treatment starts up again.

Works for me.

Hope all's well with you, Ann and the post-supper snorer

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