Thursday, July 21, 2005

Bucky's a bigot?!

Did I already rant about the fact that the University of Wisconsin, my (formerly) dear alma mater, doesn't offer domestic partnership benefits--in fact, it is the only Big Ten school not to do so? Yeah, you're right, I did.

This morning, while I was walking Linus (Shwea's bandaged up and on limited walk duty for a few days; more on this later), I was thinking about the situation anew (there was a cute story in the latest Advocate on how two UW lesbians hooked up, and it got me steaming about the uncoolness of the school's policy all over again), and I remembered the great T-shirts that were sold during the graduate student strike in the early '80s. They had a picture of a particularly fierce looking Bucky (Badger, the Wisconsin mascot), and underneath said "Strike Big Red!"

I wore that shirt so long, it fell to pieces in the wash. Was wondering what T-shirt design would work for this domestic partnership situation, and came up with the idea, "Bucky's Not a Bigot! Domestic partnership for all Badgers!" No, that's too long, isn't it? Maybe the "Bucky's Not a Bigot" line could go in front, under the Bucky picture, and the domestic partnership bit could go on the back.

Have to think about this. And since I have no work today, odds are good I'll have lots of time to do just that--and work on my sets for the weekend. "My sets"--that is a hoot to write, even though I think my Linda is wondering how she got mixed up with a comic. I'm going to be out Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights, which officially makes her a Comedy Widow. Kind of a drag, I know, but I also know she supports my comedy big time--it's just the theory of support can be a little easier than the practice, especially on atypical weekends like this.

That paid gig I mentioned yesterday--it's not coming to pass. Good thing, I think, for it would have meant next weekend was another three-night Comedy Widow extravaganza for Linda, and we don't want to push our luck.

On other fronts, the vet thinks Shwea just scraped her paw jumping out of the car. What a delicate flower! I think I need to get a carpet remnant for the garage floor or toughen her up somehow. The vet also suggested Preparation H--it apparently helps cells regrow (don't want to dwell on how that works for its primary purpose, but that's what she said). So, we'll be dabbing that on her paw at bedtime--ah, the things we do for unconditional love.....

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