Thursday, February 10, 2005

Things are looking up! (Version 2,356)

I managed to finally get through an editing job that was hanging over my head, bringing me down, and generally bummin' me out. It wasn't just that it required tremendous patience to read and edit the entire thing (it's 157 pages of largely original text, a lot longer than my usual row to hoe), but the topic was so sad: Workplace violence.

As you can imagine, after reading page upon page of shootings, stabbings, assaults, and so forth, I was oh-so-very grateful to come to the end. (And grateful that I have dogs as office mates, not ticked-off, hyped-up, and gun-toting nut jobs.)

Not that I'm finished, mind you (this is one of those jobs that is going to require a second swipe, at the very least), but the worst is over. Happy day!

I may even contemplate taking my new PC out of the box and setting it (partially) up. Don't really know how I'm going to do it all, but I have a feeling it's going to take a while. I'm afraid to say how long, for whenever I estimate how long something is going to take, particularly where computers/software is concerned, I'm usually way off--or way optimistic, depending on how you look at things.

There are two wonderful swipes at That Man (King o' the Regressives) going around via e-mail. One has to do with the similarities of the SOTU address and Groundhog Day, the other with That Man visiting a school and discussing tragedy. If you haven't seen them, drop me a line and I'll forward you a couple o' guaranteed giggles.

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