Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Cruel and unusual Tuesday

Have had two telemarketers call in my first hour of operation today--what a pain in the proverbial! That's not the worst of it, for this morning began with insomnia: Linus woke me up, growling and snarling at a nightmare or something in his sleep's imagination. And while I usually go right back to sleep after such interruptions (dogs make a silly amount of noise when they sleep--if they're not whining or growling, they're snoring BIG time), this morning my brain decided it would be more fun to playback that insidious music featured on the latest iPod commercial.

And you know what it's like once a song--even one you don't really know--gets in the groove in your noggin', or don't you? (If you don't, consider yourself blessed.)

My mind is unable to ignore a catchy tune--even if it makes the rest of me cringe, like Barry Manilow's "Copa Cobana." Man, I spent most of the '80s trying to drum that one out of my cranium. Now I'm being kept awake by commercial tunes for personal electronics.

Not exactly progress.

Otherwise, it's a lovely day, and it appears that Shwea's paw has stopped bleeding. For today. Woo!

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