Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I'm feeling very sleepy....

My goddess--one night of insomnia = two days of catching up in my middle-aged world! How did I used to party till the wee hours, pass out for a few winks, then get up and go to work?

How, indeed?!

Must've been my youth--or fear. Don't have much of either these days, for better and for worse.

Am getting a lot done, though, especially since the nice woman in town I see every-other-Wednesday cancelled today. There have been times in my life when a sick therapist would have posed a problem, but this is not one of them. Happy day!

Put together a very sharp flyer for our comedy class's latest benefit in March. Can't figure out how to insert such things, so you'll just have to take my word for it....

Listened to That Man earlier today, spreading his particular brand of democracy-scented hogwash in Germany. Never thought I'd write this, but those poor Germans--I can turn off the TV, but they, they were stuck.

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