Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Fight the Regressives, Progressives!

I do so adore the Common Dreams News Center--it provides articles such as "What's In a Name? Everything," by David Michael Green. Green makes a great case for progressives (we must abandon "liberal" for the foreseeable, in his view--too tainted by years of smear, merci to the GOP) making language work for us, not against us. For example: It's not tax relief, it's a child tax (suggesting who's going to foot the bill). His best idea? When talking about the dark side, don't use the word "conservative" (still a lot of positive connotations in that term), use "regressive." As in backward, dated, archaic, and so forth.

While I find myself wanting to use the term "fascist" often, he also argues well for why I should opt for something not so 1930's Germany (despite the abundant parallels in our situation in the U.S. o' A.).

I think he's on to something, and I am going to try to use progressive and regressive from here on in. Care to join me?

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