Saturday, March 26, 2005

What nerve, eh?

It was a bustling day at Dog Heaven--it's warm (well, for New England), the ice is almost all melted, and the mud has not yet become impossibly slick. We ran into a great number of dogs we know and an equally great number we never saw before. Linus was in heaven; Shwea was trying hard not to snarl (she knows it upsets me, though can think of no better response to an unapproved butt sniff).

Found myself in a conversation about our dogs' quirks with another person (if I were speaking to a dog about this, I hope I'd catch myself). We both agreed our dogs have their idiosyncrasies, then Linus gave me a look so as to say, "And you--you think you're a paragon of mental health? Hah!"

Well, he had a point, so I said something to that effect to the person, who didn't seem to get it.

Maybe I need to watch that dog communication thing, eh? In my defense, I do spend more time with the dogs than with any other living creature.

Yeah, I'll keep an eye on it....

Speaking of which, there's some women's basketball on the TV, so close I must.

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