Wednesday, March 09, 2005

That new car happiness is upon me

Am picking up my new car today, and am silly happy about it all, with the exception of "what ifs" as to what better deal I might have wrought had I been more wily.

Well, it's about time I faced facts on this front: I'm not now, nor have I ever been, wily. Or a hard bargainer. Even a tough customer, for that matter.

Me, I'm a wuss. God put me here to pay retail--someone has to do it. I keep the engine of the economy running smoothly, with my timidity and inability to bargain. Happily, I make enough money so that this is not a problem.

However, I also paid retail in Morocco (where they bargain over tomatoes, for pity's sake), when I didn't have the proverbial pot to do my bidness in.... But bad negotiating skills were the least of my worries back in those bad old days.


So, once I quit wondering "what if," I will be able to enjoy my car completely. Please goddess, let it be soon.

The car will be mine this afternoon, so I hope to get the self-recrimination out of my system by then.

It's a beautiful day, if silly cold. Yup, nice day for a drive.....

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