Thursday, March 03, 2005

Gotta be smart, gotta be cool....

Well, I finally disclosed my car mania to Linda last night, and she (bless her) responded with a big dose of common sense. Have promised not to buy a new car until I pay my current one off (in August), which is really the only sensible thing to do. So, now I am only going to test drive at this point. Because I need to see how my prospects handle snow, and won't be able to do that in August. REALLY AND TRULY.

Plus, I understand that December is the best time to buy a car, so that is my plan.

Don't know if I'll be able to hold off until then, but I thought it might help to put this plan out here, where I might have witnesses (though, truth be told, I don't know if anyone is reading this blog except for me).

Last night's radio interview went well, I think--don't know how I feel about compressing my set into sound bites, but I think I managed to get a couple good shots off (won't really know until it hits the airwaves on the 25th).

Tonight, however, is Jennifer Myszkowski's fabulous open mic at PACE, so that's a more immediate concern. Am still trying to figure out what to do with the legislator up in Maine who is trying to pass a bill banning the abortion of fetuses because they're gay (not that we have the technology to determine this yet, but that's not really the issue here). Another regressive man with a plan--trying to hoodwink liberals into backing an abortion ban with the gay card. What hubris! Especially since the guy's on record as being against queer marriage ("special rights") and the like.

Guess we're all warm and cuddly until we come out--of the womb!

What a world, what a world....

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