Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sweets on parade

Today began with my finding a pecan roll and dog biscuit from a local bakery on the front porch from Dana and Sarah, then I received cookies in the mail from my sister-in-law Donna, and a while later, Pastor Andrea left a bevy of cookies on the front porch for me, too.

Tax day = cookie day?

Anyway, sweetness on such a day is welcome. Sita came by and took care of the aging compost fodder that has mouldered on the back porch since I went into the hospital (yes, that long). Dawn came by to tend to some laundry that was leftover from her weekend visit, and Ann H. went grocery shopping for me. Sweetness, indeed.

I also found taking a walk around my backyard soothing (though a lot of branches have fallen back there!) and even drove the car today (and lived!). Seriously, it was very easy to drive. Getting in and out of the car was a little more difficult, but I had some banking to do, darnit.

Now I'm waiting for Shwea to come back from her last call walk so I can go to bed. Need to get up really early tomorrow, as my first appointment in Boston is for 8 a.m. Lovely, that.

It's been a good day. No reason tomorrow can't be good, either, though I may not be up for blogging about it until the weekend. There will be drugs, people, and experience suggests they just make me want to sleeeeeep. Till next time, xo, Ann

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