Monday, December 26, 2005

T'is the season to be stuffy....

I woke up with a headcold yesterday, which was the cherry on top of a holiday season, perhaps a year, that could most kindly be called "Underwhelming."

Oh well, as Miss Ella Fitzgerald used to sing, "Into each life, some rain must fall...." Don't think I agree with the rest of the verse, which goes, "and too much too much too much is falling in mine." A little financial insecurity, a little disappointment, a little reno on the carcass, the end of the very long run that was Butler's life--nothing has happened to me in the past year that qualifies as cruel and unusual--it's just Life with a capital "L."

Actually, methinks I got sick due to a happy turn of events and the stress it brought to my oh-so-sheltered life. Don't want to say too much, but I have more options than I have all year on the employment front, and that does a gal a world of good.

And 2005 was the year I managed to wrangle a regular spot on The Comedy Studio stage, as did comedy buddy Jennifer, so I didn't even have to drive to Cambridge: How lucky can a gal get? This year also saw a few paid gigs and my first comedy column--also for a fee. Even a disappointing attempt at a regular NYC gig was a hoot--got to perform at Stand-Up NY in front of dear friends and former coworkers, and that went wonderfully well.

And I performed in front of my terminally wise-ass brother and he hasn't been taunting me ever since--now that verges on the miraculous!

So, headcold and body aches aside, I'm feelin' groovy--and that is as good a way to wind down the year as any.

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