Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Give me an "I"!

"I-M-P-E-A-C-H," sung to the tune of the classic Tammy Wynette (SP?) tune, "D-I-V-O-R-C-E," is being sung in our house today. Have been reading editorials and columns and news galore that suggest THAT MAN may finally have overstepped his bounds to the point that even a GOP-controlled Congress can't look the other way.

Or can it?

We blew past (sorry, couldn't help myself) the Clinton Era "Trifles with Interns" impeachment standard years ago, but apparently:

  • Stealing an election with the help of the Supremes wasn't enough.

  • Using trumped-up evidence to start a war that killed thousands and maimed thousands more wasn't enough.

  • Stealing another election by rousing the worst impulses of the electorate with gay-baiting and a smear campaign as well as more than a little election fraud wasn't enough.

Maybe, at long last, desecrating the Constitution by authorizing illegal wiretaps is.


Who knows--only time will tell, and if The Satanic Smirker wriggles out of this one, then we know that democracy's great experiment is really in peril.

But all is not bleak. On the home front, I finally put another coat of paint up in the bedroom and had my prelim interview with the for-profit outfit.

Doubt that will be going anywhere soon, however, so instead I'm readying myself for my glamorous, ill-paid position in the non-profit sector that's starting soon. WOO!

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