Friday, April 15, 2005

When it works....

Had a great show last night in Connecticut despite my misgivings earlier in the day. (Shows what I know--for the 2,459th time, eh?)

The audience was mostly women on a "girl's night out," and happily, they were glad to see yours truly (they weren't so accommodating to the comic who came before me, so I was a little nervous). They even liked my line about gay marriage, "Give me equality or give me a god-damned dyke deduction!" A minor miracle.

The emcee, Darren (?--I am so bad at names it kills me), chalked it up to the it being "hate men" night at the club (which, considering that the audience laughed uproariously at the women comics and sort of kept to themselves when the men were up, we all found hilarious).

Because it was (sort of) the truth.

To top it all off, I had a lovely burger and fries before the show, so I was happy no matter what.

A fulfilling day in the life of a part-time comic, indeed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmm... so what?