Sunday, April 03, 2005

Mother Nature's run amok

We went walking today by the Mill River, and woo, was the water high. We had to walk far up and away from the usual trails, since they all were well under water. I was freaking, fearing that one of my furry friends was going to be swept away, but happily, everyone behaved themselves.

Except Linda, who threw a ball out far enough for it to get swept away, and Shwea almost went in hot pursuit.

That would have been the end of Shwea (and perhaps, Linda).

Otherwise, I woke up feeling a little less than perky--okay, less perky than usual--but am now feeling better. Still, am looking forward to tonight's show in Somerville. Here's hoping it all goes well! (Or legs are broken, we kill, or whatever those lovely showbiz expressions are....)

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