Saturday, April 09, 2005

All better (or close enough).

Slept in but good this morning (almost till 10:00!), and woke up feeling close to my old self. Think just about all of the chemicals are out of my system, as is most of the air out of my lower intestine (sure hope so--have a comedy benefit tonight and don't want to have to worry about subterranean blasts in the midst of it all).

Took a walk with Linda and the dogs today, too--wasn't able to do that for the past week, between being out of town then being on a heavy laxative schedule. It's a gorgeous time of year--warm enough to wear very light clothing, but not warm enough for all of the bugs to come to life--and I'm enjoying it while it lasts.

Haven't really worried too much about tonight's show--am most concerned about finding the place, an Elks Club in the wilds of Connecticut. Have been remembering my dad's Elks Club for the past hour or so--it wasn't just an Elks Club as far as I was concerned, it was an after-school program. Dad would take me there after school so he could both do his baby sitting duties and get some cribbage and cocktails in with the "boys"--Dr. Z and Big Howie--till supper time. I would sit a barstool or two away, drinking my Orange Nehi and Rocky Road chocolate bar, playing dice or Solitaire until Mom called and asked us to come home. Sometimes Bruno the bartender would play with me--he was a sweetheart, and perhaps planted the seed of fondness for bartenders that I have until this very day.

Waxing nostalgic over an Elks' Club--yes, it's come to this (blame the colonoscopy, if that makes you feel better).

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