Friday, April 08, 2005

Well, it wasn't the worst thing that's ever happened....

Happy day, the colonoscopy is over--and the dear doctor didn't find a thing on his trip through Ann's Colonland: Yippie! Am still a wee bit wozy and as gassy a lassie as you'll ever meet, but otherwise I feel fine (considering I also have my period, of course).

Yup, Mother Nature came to town just before my procedure (isn't she swell?), so I was never sure if the cramps I was having while being, uh, investigated were due to the colonoscopy or dear Aunt Flo. They were plentiful, though, so perhaps it was some sort of tag-team effort. Very uncomfortable. Very.

And when the nurse kept telling me to breathe deeply through each cramp, I tried, but it didn't seem to do a hell of a lot of good. Don't remember too much else (and pray I wasn't whiny--I hate whiny).

Discomfort aside, I'm just glad it's over and peace of mind is mine--at least until the next one. Unfortunately: Though I was under the impression that colonoscopies are once-every-decade affairs, the doctor told me he suggests an every-five-years schedule.

Come to think of it, 2010 does seem a lifetime away--goddess willing, Aunt Flo will be kinder next time (if not out of town permanently).

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