Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Well, yesterday was a Monday for the record books--my boss was let go, my colleague and managing editor was let go (and she's 70), and I, too, apparently will be seeing much less work (like, say, 63% less) from my publisher.


So, I guess it's time for me to start job hunting, something I haven't done since, say, 1990. Yes, 1990. I've been lucky, this I know--so, the question becomes, "What exactly do I want to do with this odd grab-bag of skills and interests I've developed over the past 25 years in the workaday world?"

That's today's question. If I don't have any good prospects in about three months, the question will become, "Who will pay me the most to do something--anything--to keep kibble in my babies' mouths?!"

Here's hoping it doesn't come to that. Linda, goddess bless her, has already discussed the worst-case scenario (her speciality) with me, and it looks like this--I lose the car, we lose the cottage, and everything else is the same. In other words: Things could be a LOT worse.

Yet tonight I'm meeting with a couple comic friends to discuss The Comedy--this could be a challenge, no? Have some new material on Bush's tax cuts finally "trickling down" to my level--yep, when you lose your job, your tax burden goes waaaaaaaay down....

Yes, I need to work on that.

So, that's the big news this week. Here's hoping things don't get much more interesting than that (though I am going to talk to the president of my company this morning and that could be an experience the likes of which I may need to discuss). We shall see....

One last thing: Can you believe what a linguistic chameleon I am (see entry below)? I'm more Yankee than Midwestern these days, and that just seems wrong--and where did that Southern bit sneak in from? The farthest south I've ever lived was Chicago!

Guess that's what happens when you move around a lot...and drink heavily....and move around some more....

1 comment:

Mary said...

Ann –

My name is Mary. I too am a middle-aged lesbian (46), living in Toledo, Ohio. The reason for my post today is to fulfill an assignment for one of my graduate classes in Technical Communication at Bowling Green State University. We were asked to “write an extended critique on a non-classmate, non-friends blog.” You see, we are all about the blogging this semester. Anyway, since I’ve never met you, I believe your blog qualifies. (Yes, contrary to public opinion, not all lesbians are on a first name basis.)

I can sympathize with your job uncertainties. I currently work as a technical writer in automotive industry – talk about not knowing what tomorrow may bring! I hope everything works out for you in the most positive way possible. It sounds as if you have a great partner to help you through it.

My girlfriend and I have been together for a little over a year, but we don’t live together yet. (No U-haul on the second date, can you believe it?) She has said that I can live in her basement in the event I face some sort of economic disaster. As appealing as that sounds, I think I’ll wait until the two of us (and her eight-year-old daughter) can buy a home together where there is enough space for everyone and our three cats.

Well, it’s been fun posting to your blog. I really dig Northampton. My mom is in Hyannis and my sister is in Boston so I visit Massachusetts a lot. Perhaps one day our paths will cross.

