Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday can be fun, really

Had myself a major hair cut today, as my hair has been falling out a bit, and I wanted to beat it to the punch. Many thanks to Carmella, Barbara, Hilary and Ellen for their efforts in giving me quite the cut. Crew cut, but what's a girl to do? I love the fuzzy feel of my noggin', even if I have a slightly stark look. No pictures yet, but I'll let you know if one of the gals comes forth with one or two.

Didn't have the "fun" of a doctor's appointment today, but have a couple to look forward to later this week.

Speaking of fun, many, many thanks to sistah Joan for enduring the idiocy of eTrade on my behalf. She's helping me try to wrap up Linda's finances, and eTrade has been the lone holdout among Linda's "holdings," seeming to go out of their way to keep us from closing Linda's account there and moving on.

Oh well, t'is always something. And today, thankfully, it doesn't appear to be my health--I feel pretty darn good, today, actually, and am looking very forward to tonight's supper (Babs is cooking burgers!). Yum!


Val and Joan's travels said...

So, I hear etrade now thinks Joan is your sister? Seems your family has grown over the past few months! Is she adopted too?

Rebecca Weber said...

So nice to hear you feel good and have an appetite.

Rebecca Weber