Wednesday, October 05, 2005

That was easy!

The interview I had scheduled for this morning? Cancelled.

I had a feeling, truth be told, so I e-mailed the interviewer last night to ask if we were still on.

Well, we weren't.

Good thing I checked (I don't like driving the Pike when I have to, much less for a nonexistent interview). He likely wouldn't have bothered, as he is also the person who asked for a "professional manor" in his Help Wanted ad on Craigslist.

Yes, manor. Was tempted to ask, "I live in a humble ranch--can I still apply?" But of course, I didn't. The job market is not one to allow sarcasm or anything resembling spine, from all appearances.

Finished, "Bait and Switch" last night, the latest from Barbara Ehrenreich (she of "Nickled and Dimed" fame). It was a major downer, as we used to say, until the end, when she had some choice words about the current requirement for employees to have passion in their work. It rang true, shall we say?

Will try to find it and report on it here, but now I must go eat lunch. At home. Happily, as you may imagine.

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