Tuesday, October 18, 2005

No wonder!

I was laid low a bit yesterday (as if my sunny post wasn't signal enough), and think part of the problem was the corner of my brain that worries about money was on high alert.

No surprise, for not only had I received a "thanks but no thanks" letter from the last job prospect I had, I had also sent out an e-mail to my kind references noting the fact that my one and only "prospect" at the moment is a comedy job.


No wonder I was feeling a little under the weather yesterday. COMEDY JOB is an oxymoron for the ages--and certainly presents a shaky enough financial foundation to set off all sorts of alarms in this noggin' of mine (particularly the portions installed by my dear departed mother, the Child of the Depression to the Nth Degree).

I found two ways to rise above this (at least so far) today, and they include: 1) Finishing a book that highlighted the folly of finding satisfaction through money ("Losing Moses on the Freeway: The 10 Commandments in America," by Chris Hedges) and 2) Paying my bills.

The book wasn't exactly news, but it was a good reminder that despite the prevailing culture, we reach our highest potential by helping others. Simply put: Self-worship is bad; community is good. No problem with that, none at all. (Still, I was disappointed in the book, and I have yet to figure out why. Will have to ponder for a while and see what, if anything, occurs to me. Yeah, I know--you're all aflutter.)

As for the bills, it was comforting to find I was caught up and I even had a little money leftover. So, for today, all is well.

And that will have to do.

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