Sunday, October 30, 2005

It's so DARK out there....BOO!

Love the extra hour, hate the early sundown. Oh well, there are always trade-offs, no?

Am trying to get to work on a proof, and I have to tell you--working on the weekend goes against everything I hold dear. But, I do have a huge VISA bill to tend, as well as a week in D.C. to finance, so I need to get over myself, and soon.

On other fronts, am still aglow over Swoopes being family--I remembered this weekend that she was one of the supposedly het players who was trotted out by the WNBA at its inception to try to break the lezzie-athlete link that so many teams fear. It was embarrassing--any player with a kid and and/or a boyfriend was sent to every media event they could think up, and photos were tagged with lines like, "Here's the WNBA hoops star and her husband Bill, their three children, and exhausted grandma." Or: "Here's the WNBA rookie, her fiance, and their three children." It was SO obvious, SO over-the-top. So American.

That one of the subjects of the WNBA's "straighten up" campaign was a lesbian waiting to meet the right girl warms my heart, really and truly. And from what I've been reading, back in her youth, Ms. Swoopes changed schools once, to get away from all the lezzies on the team.

You know, it seriously doesn't get better than that--more proof that a homophobe is often a homo waiting to happen.

I rather like that: A homophobe is a homo waiting to happen. Think that has bumpersticker possibilities? I do, too!

This morning, Linda and I were pondering the current sorry state of affairs that is the Bush Administration, and while a small, petty part of me is thrilled that he and his are in deep doo-doo (as Poppy used to put it), his downfall comes at such great cost, it is no time to gloat.

However, it may be time to capitalize, and Linda wondered if it's time to put together a cautionary tale along the lines of "A Christmas Carol," whereby ol' Dubya could see what he's wrought--the servicemen and women killed because of the war he began under false pretenses, the poor drowned because he diverted funds for levy repair to this war, the species eradicated because of his environmental policies, the children who lack food or health care or decent schools because of his redistributing money from programs to tax cuts for the wealthy--I mean, the list is too long for here.

However, I think justice might be better served by a version of "It's a Wonderful Life," whereby we could see how the world would be different if George hadn't been president--the servicemen and women and the poor still alive, the species still with us, the children getting the help they need, the wealthy scraping by with just one yacht/trophy house/wife. Now THAT I'd want to see.

Speaking of which, I strongly suggest you see "Good Night, and Good Luck" when you get a chance. It isn't perfect, but it's pretty wonderful. Must say, we saw the trailer for "Capote," and think THAT looks like perfection. We'll see....

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