Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Good news day!

I know I'm slow on the uptake, but I just learned this morning that the Russians who were in the sub that got tangled up in some underground cables (or was it fishing lines?--never was made clear) were freed. I have claustrophobic tendencies, and just reading about their plight caused my chest to tighten up--this news was a major relief!

Then just moments ago, I heard that the shuttle Discovery safely touched down at Edwards Air Force Base in California.

Since good news has been hard to come by in my personal realm (the tire-pressure light went on in my car again last night, so I've got another appointment with my new mechanic this afternoon--yup, that's all sorts of fun), I've decided to seize upon the happiness of others, even if I don't know them from Adam. Or Eve, for that matter.

Good times! (I'll take 'em where I can find 'em.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Or Steve.