Friday, August 05, 2005

Ah, accomplishment

I sent off my first comic column today, and while I will obsess about how it will be received by the editor in an hour or so, I am now going to enjoy a brief moment of accomplishment. Ah.

To add to that, the metals people told me in an e-mail this morning that I did a good job on the work they threw my way Wednesday. Ah x 2.
And last night--I introduced a new joke that I think actually worked. Ah-hah!

When one sends out resume after resume for months with little/no effect, one can begin to think one is not exactly serving a useful purpose. I'm not there yet, but I could be soon--if I didn't have the occasional accomplishment, as I have today.

Now, I must walk the dogs and clean the house--my jaw still hurts a little, but the shame of wading through piles of dog hair is more painful to me, believe it or not.

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