Wednesday, November 02, 2005

That went well--can you believe it?

Am so glad to report that my return attempt for the LL folks was not bad, not bad at all. The night went far better than I had hoped (though I tend to keep my expectations on the below-the-basement side, just to be safe), and not just because I had a delightful entree at the Popover Cafe. (Chicken pot pie in a popover? What a fantastic idea!)

The audience was receptive to my particular warp, happily, and I received many kudos and glad-hands and what-all afterwards from comics and friends alike. File under: "Whew!"

What will come of it, I don't know. But as soon as someone explains it to me, I'll explain it to you. (Unless it involves exchanging state secrets; then "mum's" the word.)

It was grand to see my friends, too. Val and Joan were wonderful hosts, and thanks to them, I got a clue as to why people live on the Upper East Side. I used to sneer at that part of town as being too clean, too controlled, too unlike my New York, but you know, a person can actually sleep through the night there. I was bracing myself for the usual onslaught of car alarms, sirens, and passive-aggressive garbage truck drivers, but it was quiet.

Yes, indeed, I'm getting old. Like this is news.

Anyway, I also saw my former boss and coworker, and it was sweet. It was good to give each of them a proper hug, too, the hug I wanted to give them when I found out they were being fired by my now semi-employer.

Long overdue, that hug.

Now, I'm supposed to be getting ready to go to my writing group. Am ambivalent about it, for I'd much rather stay home and crash the crash of the over-traveled, but it's likely my last group, so go I must.

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