Thursday, November 03, 2005

PACE is the place!

Last night I had my last writing group, probably for the foreseeable (or until I get a well-paying job, whichever comes first). I'm going to miss it, even if I relish the prospect of getting my Wednesday nights back. The group is populated with immensely talented writers, and listening to each person share their precious first attempts at poems, stories, or undeclared jottings was a privilege. Left there many a night thinking I had just witnessed genius, often sacred genius at that.

What's not to miss?

On a less exalted front, Linda loaded up the crockpot this morning, and I have been smelling corned beef and cabbage ALL DAY. I love corned beef and cabbage--it's something my mother made that was quite good. (A list of my mother's "quite good" meals would be brief, I'm sorry to report--she was the typical Midwestern "boil-it-till-it's-showing-no-signs-of-life" kind of cook, bless her soul.)

Received even more proofing work to do today, so it's looking more and more as though I will be able to easily afford my upcoming grant writing class/trip. File that under: Relief.

And tonight I get to go to the open mic at PACE.

What's not to love?

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