Monday, November 28, 2005

Out with the old....

Cleaned a lot of materials for a publication I no longer edit out of my office yesterday, and now actually have wide open spaces on my library table--a miracle!

In what is perhaps a sign of how desperate things have become, I spent the weekend reading a book on Fung Shui. From what I can pick up, my fortunes have not been helped by all of the clutter around here, so it was time to rid my office of the old to make room for the new. I haven't gotten to the part where I determine which of the four elements are needed in each part of my office to aid and abet my prospects, but this is a start.

And a good one--I was inspired to send off a number of resumes and inquiries yesterday as well, which I've been too bummed to do for a while now.

Today, I get working on the grantwriting project, and talking to a attorney.

Oh? Am thinking my relationship with my formerly full-time employer is going to be coming to an end, and it's not necessarily a bad thing. The fragment of work that I have with them may be holding me back in ways I hadn't imagined--what seemed to be offering a toehold on financial stability may have been really a drag on my self worth and potential.

At least that's today's theory (hey, you want a good rationalization? Find a Catholic!).

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