Friday, March 31, 2006

There's no business like show business....

...and for that, we should all be eternally grateful!

Last night's show was a deadly, soul-crushing exercise in futility, but otherwise I had a great night. The comedic camaraderie was key--we had a three-comic carpool to the show, and Jennifer, Holly, and I all rose above the pervasive gloom.

Ice cream played a part, of course.

And Jennifer just about laughed herself into a stupor on the way home. I don't think I can begin to explain what prompted her hilarity, but suffice to say she was laughing so hard, Holly and I had no choice but to join her.

Yes, it was the sort of laugh one joins in on, even though one doesn't understand why the person is laughing. Such is the power of Jennifer's laugh, and believe me, it's a laugh a comic wants in her corner. And in her car. And especially, after a sh** storm extravaganza of a show.

Too bad a certain scribe doesn't venture to capture such moments for his tome.....

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