Sunday, March 26, 2006

Happiness is the end of tax-prep guilt!

It took two days and countless calculations (and re-calculations), but I finally have my tax information together for my tax preparer. Happiness!

It was funny to see I had many masters last year, ranging from the ol' unreliable (my full-time employer until they weren't), a temp agency, a metals industry reporting service, The Job Hunt (a taskmaster of its own, believe me), and The Comedy.

Speaking of The Comedy, I made a little money at it last year, but I spent much, much more. Was also stunned to see that I have driven--or perhaps more accurately, ridden--over 4,000 miles in pursuit of comic opportunities, most of them unpaid.

Makes a gal wonder....

Linda's been watching the NCAA women's basketball almost all day--I've watched some of it, but had to stick to my primary purpose this weekend, which was to compile numbers from fragments of paper. With all the sneaker squeaks, whistles, buzzers, and so on, all the games started to sound the same after a while, and I wondered how the commentators keep things fresh. But then, I got back to my numbers.....

Am I glad that as a full-time employee of a company I will have a lot less to contend with next tax time? You betcha! (But in case the gods and goddesses are paying attention, I wouldn't mind more records regarding paid comedy gigs, no, not in the least.)

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