Saturday, March 25, 2006

Spineless cretins....

My, I'm in a lather. Last week, a telemarketer for the Democratic Party called me to ask for money, and I helped him install a new orifice.

In my Midwestern way, of course.

I told him that the Democrats were pathetic, spineless and ineffectual, and the only Democrat worthy of the name these days was Russ Feingold--if anyone is going to get my money, it's him.

The telemarketer tried to tell me about "all the Democratic initiatives" that are underway that need my support, and I said, "That's what you said about John Kerry. I sent that man the biggest political donation of my life, and what did he do? He squandered it. Fool me once...."

And Russ Feingold? Now, he's a bit of Wisconsin's answer to Al Gore, but at least he's got something along the line of nerve--to introduce a call for censure in a Republican-controlled Congress is a gutsy move, IMHO, and I don't care if he hasn't a snowball's chance. Somebody's got to say something, for pity's sake, and if it's only going to be Russ, it's only going to be Russ.

Apparently, the other Democrats are giving him the cold shoulder, the cowards.

Well, then I'm giving them the cold shoulder. Okay, except perhaps for Tammy Baldwin, the lone lesbian state rep in my dearly beloved Cheddarland. I have to say, there are few things more attractive to me than an out lesbian in office. My heart be still.....

On other fronts, a comic who did a lot of jokes aimed at my peeps--gays and dykes, to be precise--got my knickers in an absolute twist last night. He was a straight, white male, and so his credentials to bash the homo community were not in order, IMHO. A lot of the jokes centered on the bad haircuts preferred by lesbians (what a revelation, eh?) and the mannish voices some of the gals have (ditto--he's right on the cutting edge, isn't he? Of 1956). The puddin' head even went so far as to try to pin the election debacle of 2000 on gay marriage. As though Kerry's spineless, sniveling, middle-of-the-road-to-nowhere campaign, coupled with electronic and Democratic precinct voter fraud, wasn't enough to seal our doom.

Oh no--by all means, let's blame the queers. Is there a scapegoat in the house?

At least when a regressive Christian crackpot blames gays for everything from 9/11 to the heartbreak of psoriasis, they are coming from a place of hate and ignorance. But when a comic--who protests he is a liberal, no less--tries to pin the tail on the queers, I get very, very angry. He should know better, but quite plainly, he does not. Nor do the folks who found him hilarious. Sigh.

It may be time to fire up some material about dating straight men, but then again, it might be better to let it go.

Can't let the homophobes get you down, "liberal" or not.

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