Monday, April 03, 2006

Monday without mercy

Our German Shepherd mix, Linus, came down with a terrible condition known colloquially as "bloat" this morning, and we're lucky he's still alive--if spending the next few nights at the vet's.

When I left for work this morning, he appeared fine--he was giving me the usual, "What--you're leaving?!" look out the window. Unfortunately, just a short while later, he was in serious distress--the good news is that even though Linda was on her way out the door, she noticed something wasn't right.

Before long, she was on her way to our vet. They had to put a tube down his stomach and sedate him, take x-rays, and more. They couldn't do the necessary surgery, however, so Linda called me from there--she was not willing to go through this alone, and who can blame her?--so I left work and came back home to be picked up and go with her and Linus to the emergency vet in Springfield. We spent most of the day there, waiting for the results of various tests, then to meet the surgeon, then to wait for the word as to whether our boy's stomach survived the episode intact, and more. His life was hanging in the balance more than once today, and I happy to report that so far, so good.

They had to remove his spleen, for it got all twisted up along with his stomach and couldn't be salvaged. The odd thing is that taking out the spleen can cause heart trouble--who knew? So, the next 24 hours or so are particularly dicey ones. We would appreciate any kind thoughts you can send his way, and if you have any pull with any major or minor (we're not fussy) deities, please see what you can do for our boy.

Speaking of kind thoughts, I am all for free speech and all, but vicious slams made under the thin cloak of anonymity I will not abide. You want to spew venom at homophobes and the POTUS? Have at it! You want to spew at my friends? Find yourself a new venue, chump--you're going to be deleted.

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