Monday, April 10, 2006

A little dread never hurt anyone....

Sent off a DVD of a recent show at The Comedy Studio to an elderly aunt out in Nebraska, and have been worried about what she might think of it ever since.

Yes, yes, I know--internalized homophobia plays a part, but so does fear of what she learned at her mother's knee about alcoholics and alcoholism. Grandmother was co-chair of the local Christian Temperance Union, which means she had a "willpower" view of alcohol addiction (if drunks just had a little more self-control, they would be able to quit drinking themselves into a stupor).

Yeah, well, it was the times and all--the alcoholism as disease concept had not been embraced as of yet in Grandma's day. Geez, I hope it was the times, anyway, and not her cover for anti-immigrant sentiment (as was often the case with the CTU set). That is not the sort of thing one wants in one's ancestors, you know?

But she was a Republican, too, so anything is possible.

Well, the DVD is out there, so I just have to hope that maybe Aunt Babe will actually enjoy it--you never know!

On other fronts, I am really intrigued with the furor immigration "reform" is stirring up--all these puddin'head "assimilated Americans" want to slam shut the door that was held open for them a generation or three ago. Okay, maybe the door wasn't always held open, exactly, but they weren't charged with a felony for trying to make a better life for themselves. What kind of Nativist nonsense is that?!

Of course, I must admit, it's a little bit of a relief to see some other scapegoat appear on the Regressive Right's Radar--they have been beating the homo horse to death lately, and a little anti-immigrant hubbub gives us "assimilated American" dykes and fags a little breathing room.

Who am I kidding? I don't like immigrant-bashing any better than homo-bashing, and besides, there hasn't really been a letup on either front.

Those damn bigots have always been superb multi-taskers!

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