Saturday, April 22, 2006

The upside of reduced expectations

Went into last night's show prepared for a chilly reception--anytime someone tells me the crowd is "blue collar," tough sledding can be ahead. For in my experience, the blue collar set can be fabulous--if anyone should have sympathy for the struggles of someone, a blue collar person should--but if heavy on the guys, they can also be unreceptive to anything that is outside their norms. And if anything is outside their norms in rural NE, it's a Midwestern, recovering-alcoholic lesbian that talks about her fellow homos on a regular basis.

And when that said lesbian equates tailgating with homosexual activity--well, that hits a discomfort zone, apparently. (If I had a $1 for every time that joke caused straight men to cross their arms over their chests, I would have enough for a night on the town.)

Be that as it may, I had a great show--the tailgating joke caused an uproar of a great kind. Happily, no matter what collar they wore during the day, these folks were there for the laughs, and laugh they did.

Made me happy to be a comic, and look forward to my next show. (My next show is Thursday night in Cambridge at The Comedy Studio, in case you're wondering.)

But for now, I must dash to town--it's time for a comedy confab with my friend
Jennifer, who is having a wonderful show tonight at PACE (we plan to be in the audience--you should, too!).

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