Friday, February 19, 2010

A little ray o' hope

It took two trips, but I think the ear/nose/throat specialist I saw today managed to stem the tide in my nose. My friend Deb did a stellar job of driving me to the clinic twice, and I am ever-so-grateful she was up for the driving challenge that entailed. (What a friend we have in someone who ignores "No U-Turn" signs.)

Will spare you the details, but I pray that I do not have to sit through what I sat through today again. Ever.

Didn't think of myself as squeamish, but today I learned I have at least one limit where my carcass is concerned.

Came home to take a nap with you-know-who that was just perfect. Woke to a nice chat with my friend Kat out in San Francisco, followed by the delivery of a delicious meal from one of my dear church community, Emily.

Things are looking up, friends.

Thanking you all for the commiserations and kindnesses, Ann


PJ said... head is spinning. I can't keep up with all that is going on.

Just so you know...I was pissed a few days ago..but you have calmed me down.

One day at a time step at a time.

PJ and Peg...

Unknown said...

I too was pissed. I went on rants about how unfair life is. My god how much can one woman take? Don't you get any browny points for knocking yourself out with Linda? Now a f--king 9 hour forward march of blood cells out your nose! I must say Ann you have to be the strongest woman I have ever met. Thank god your North Hampton family. I hope Linda's kind spirit comes around and helps you. I know she is not far away.