Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Could you stand some good news?

Sky, Karen and yours truly heard an earful today at my third treatment. The blood work showed that my bone marrow is definitely back on line, my platelets are up, creatinine down and generally speaking, the numbers are trending in the right direction all along the line.


My chest pains have abated, too, and while I still have this odd numbness in my left arm, overall, I am feeling pretty darn good.

And while yesterday I feared I would be checked in to MassGeneral tonight, I am home--home!

Let's savor this moment, shall we? Love from me and the Bombshell.....


Unknown said...

Good news is, um, good news! Hoorah! How nice that the medications and all the annoyances and indignities are doing good.

Carolyn said...
