Saturday, March 01, 2008

Taste of PACE: Aptly named!

I approached last night's show with some trepidation, for it had all the markings of a disaster: A very long and varied series of music and musical acts with one standup comic, yours truly, in the mix. Well, happily, my trepidation was for naught. I didn't exactly cause anyone to fall out of his/her chair (as promised by le roi de hyperbole over at PACE), but I didn't hear crickets the whole time, either. The audience was there for music, but they were open to some comedy, too, bless them.

Methinks the Spaulding Grey monologue may have helped, as did the fact that I followed a very funny rendition of "Suppertime!" by a dear woman in a Snoopy suit.

Hard to lose under these conditions, let me tell you.

Anyway, the rest of the night was very entertaining, and if you somehow read this in time, I would strongly suggest you consider making a trip over to PACE for tonight's show. I can't imagine a more varied and entertaining combination of acts are going on anywhere else in the Happy Valley this evening, and I'm not just saying this because I'm on the docket tonight (as is my dear comedy buddy, Jennifer Myszkowski).

One thing I'm looking forward to: Hearing "One hand, one heart" from West Side Story again. I am a sucker for that musical!

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