Saturday, March 15, 2008

True confessions

While I am still perplexed by the hubbub over my ownership of a Tony Little Gazelle, there has been an upside to this misadventure in home gym equipment.

True confessions of an exercise sort.

Two people who felt the need to tease me ever so gently about owning a Gazelle have also told me about every embarrassing exercise video/DVD they have in their possession (or even once owned).

It is reminiscent of my early sobriety, when hearing a particularly gruesome tale of debauchery and destruction from another recovering drunk would somehow free me to share a smaller tale of my own variety of in-the-bag misbehavior. Not as bad as what I've just heard, of course--but to me, every bit as mortifying to admit.

Which, apparently, is how a lot of women feel about owning Richard Simmons' exercise videos.

1 comment:

Jennifer Myszkowski said...

I'm sorry, Ann Podolske. Or should I say, still sorry. I hope we can still be friends forever.