Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Back in the saddle....

And Lord, am I tired! This working business is just knocking me out. I really, really want to go to bed--and it's 7:50 p.m., for pity's sake. This is actually progress. Last night, I wanted to go to be at 7:00 p.m., but I hadn't walked the Bombshell yet (and you know that her constitutionals are required by law).

It was quite okay in many ways to be back at work, though. Hugs all around from colleagues, and my dear team left a big purple balloon bouquet in my cubicle, as well as a gift bag featuring a book and a big purple (yes, there's a theme at work here) robe. Sweetness! Oh, and chocolate turtles made with macadamia nuts--sheer heaven!

Poor Shwea didn't care about the gift bag, poor pup. She's so not happy that I'm back at work. She follows me even more closely around the house than before, and apparently sulks but good when I'm gone (according to Aunt Mary, formerly known as the Singing Juicer, who tended our gal on Monday). I had the nerve to shut the bathroom door the other day, and you would have thought a band of thieves had broken into the house, she carried on so. She was just miffed that I had shut her off from her person. "Da noive!" as we don't say in Massachusetts.

As for life beyond work, I have been invited out to see and do things, but have turned a lot of these dear invites down. I just don't have the gumption, you know? That said, I did say "Yes, please!" to my friend Holly bringing pizza over for lunch today. That made for a great break in the "action," so to speak. Also, this morning I found a card and DVD in the front porch basket; seems my friend Sarah decided I needed to watch "The Benny Goodman" story for inspiration, bless her heart. Maybe I'll soon be inspired to take my dear clarinet out of the case, eh? (Though I think that won't happen until the weekend, if I'm going to be reality-based here.)

Otherwise, last night I tried to watch more of the Ken Burns documentary on the national parks, but had to stop when it began to focus on the slaughter of Native Americans and animals in the park and beyond. I usually have the constitution for such information, but not these days. I wanted to ooh and ahhh over pretty pictures of Mother Nature, not get my knickers in a knot over man's inhumanity to man and nature. I am definitely in a "Beyond Bambi" stage, people, and just have to accept it.

Hey, it's almost time for bed. Gotta go! Love from BB and the Bombshell

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great to see you today. I'm loving following the blog.
Your friend and groupie
Kathy B.