Wednesday, May 11, 2005

What to make of it all?

The job hunt continues--three more resumes/cover letters are out into the ether, making a total of 20 tries to date. Only one response so far, but who's counting? (Okay, I am--can't help myself.)

Also got a "Thanks, but no thanks" letter from a job I forgot I applied for--that shows how invested I was in that prospect, eh?

It's still exciting, contemplating the many ways my years of pounding a keyboard may be applied "out there." Of course, I also allow myself to contemplate the possibility that no one will find my skills the least bit compelling, but then again, how could that be?

(One must buck oneself up when job-hunting--you can see I'm doing a stellar job, no?)

Well, the animals are getting restless--it's feeding time somewhere, dammit--so close I must.

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