Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Snow day?!

Haven't even begun my new job, and already I've had a day off!

Not exactly, but my re-entry into the workforce has been delayed due to weather.

Mother Nature swept in with a storm of no small substance last night and throughout today, so I got up early, showered and dressed FOR NO GOOD REASON.

Those of you who work from home will understand what that means.

The good news is that I got a call from my future supervisor telling me to not bother trying to get into work--very nice, that--and Linda took the day off too (her company NEVER closes, from what I hear). That meant I didn't nap alone later this morning, which is always nicer. I know, I know--such sloth! But last night I strained my neck somehow and went to bed with a heating pad, and never quite got comfortable enough to sleep. Well, until 4:30 a.m. or so.

If I may share some personal, painful experience--no matter how bad things get for you, never ask "What next?"

Also, I was not alone in trying to clear the driveway. That stuff was serious--not the fluffy white powder of the last big storm, but heavy, wet, and snow-throw jamming icy badness.

Tomorrow is supposed to be clear, from all reports. Here's hoping. I am getting itchy to get started on something, don't you know....

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