First, what of the show last Sunday in Cambridge? Bad as they get. Worse, maybe, because it was at The Studio, the hallowed comedy hall of them all (or whatever). I felt each member of the small audience was his or her own black hole--all air, all energy, all humor was being sucked out of the room by these people, and I don't know what the hell they were doing in a comedy club.
The idea behind going to a comedy club is to laugh, no? To have some fun? Apparently not.
I have had warmer receptions from members of an Elks Club, people. Brutal way to spend seven minutes. B-R-U-T-A-L. A colonoscopy is worse, but not by much.
Did fax the near-ream proof when I got home--had to have a productive end to a clearly nonproductive night, if you know what I mean. I was so tired, however, that it took me three tries before I realized my fax machine wasn't hooked up to a phone line.
Burning the candle at both ends? Not a good idea, it seems. (And some days I think burning the candle at one end may be too much for me.)
And as for the job I did the faux interview for? I didn't get it. What I wrote was fine, "workwomanlike" even, but the CEO wanted passion and even suggested it might be time for me to consider a different career, since I clearly don't have the juice.
Happily, I don't take my career advice from relative strangers, but I must admit, if my career as a writer depends on my getting all passionate about marketing or insurance or something else of that nature, I will, indeed, need to change direction.
For that stuff just bores me to tears, people.
But, strangely enough, writing about these and other less-than-compelling topics doesn't bore me--I enjoy the process of researching and writing and coming up with something that is clear and compelling and maybe even a bit entertaining.
Here's hoping somebody, somewhere needs writing like that. And could we make it soon?
But, all is not lost, I had a fabulous show last night, the "Girls! Girls! Girls!" show at PACE that Jennifer Myszkowski put together, bless her heart. The wonderful Deb Farrar-Parkman was the host, and all of the comics--Kim "Boney" Deshields,Andrea Henry, Holly Givens, Jennifer and yours truly--did great. It was a thrill to be part of a show that worked (especially after last Sunday's debacle), and an honor to work with women who all have something unique and hilarious to say.
Was feeling a little low this week, but I feel much better now, thanks to The Comedy. Thanks, Comedy! The only wrinkle in last night's show was that I forgot about three minutes of material--but it was about aging, so my memory lapse has a certain delicious irony to it. Oh, and I forgot to turn on my chronograph, so I could keep tabs on my time. But these were minor quibbles.
Well, now I feel we've caught up with one another. Have another week and two days at the temp job, so should try get so more resumes out today, in the hope that perhaps there's a job waiting for me after all.
You never know (which increasingly seems like a good thing).