Thursday, December 14, 2006

A reprieve of sorts

I was supposed to have my "good news" root canal today, but my endodontist got food poisoning and cancelled on me. Well, his tech cancelled, and promptly rescheduled my two-appointment procedure for the next two Thursdays.

Was really and truly relieved, until I realized we were invited to a holiday party next Thursday night, and as a result of this development, I may not be fit for said party. I might just be too dentally-impaired to go.

Isn't that a kick in the what-have-you?

Speaking of kicks, today I found out the hard way that I don't have a mute button on my phone. I called into an online training session for work and it was interrupted about halfway through by Oatmeal howling as though he was breathing his feline last.

As if. He's probably going to outlive us all.

But things are looking up on other fronts. Was here to sign for a Christmas gift for Linda, which was a real stroke of luck, since I work from home only one day a week--what are the odds? Plus, I finished shopping--including wrapping and shipping--for my sister in a matter of minutes, all online. (That's no small relief, let me tell you.)

My brother, sister-in-law and furry nephew still have gifts outstanding, but there's still the weekend, so I'm not going to panic.....

Still have to get something worthy for my aunt and uncle, but there's still time.....right?

Well, must go. She who must be obeyed is home, and that means it's dog-walking time. Till next time, my dear friends....

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