Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Maybe there IS something to it...

I always wondered about those straight folks who get all worked up over the Homosexual Agenda. For starters, what the heck is it? I haven't a clue!

And secondly, if a true Homosexual Agenda exists, I never got a copy, so how much of an agenda can it be? If anyone should have a copy, shouldn't I, a big ol' dykesaurus of several years' standing? For heaven's sake, I've lived in some fairly intense homo-ghettos in my life, and even spent a good part of my existence attending various meetings at the gay and lesbian center in NYC, and not once--not once, mind you--did I ever see any announcement regarding a Homosexual Agenda.

That said, I heard something today that might just qualify, but I hesitate to share it, for I think it might just be the sort of thing that could send certain unstable homophobic elements over the brink. But then, it's just too good of a story--and I tell it in full knowledge that it might just be a "good story."

The story: A straight woman friend of a friend of mine went to see "Brokeback Mountain" with another straight woman friend. After the movie, they were moved to have sex--even though one of them was married to a person of the male persuasion.

I'm just reporting the story as it was told to me. Dunno if it's factual/actual, but it certainly does give one something to think about, Agenda-wise....

On other fronts, the job is going just swell. I'm really enjoying it, and put together my first attempt at "real" work today. Dunno how it's going to be received, but it felt good to get something accomplished (besides finding my cubicle each morning).

1 comment:

Simple Survivor said...

Anne - You can tell the conservatives didn't name it the Agenda, if they had it would be a "manifesto". Just some food for thought. See you thursday at The Main Pub.