Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ah, the shame continues

One of my compatriots suggests that my cousin the Congressman isn't as bad as he could be. Reviewing his record, one wonders what, exactly, that could mean. Perhaps my source is mistooken, but according to this site, the Congressman is a Moderate Republican of the rightward leaning variety, which means he is:

Death penalty
Gun ownership
Patriot Act
Privatization of Social Security
School prayer
School vouchers
Tax cuts for the wealthy

Gay adoption
Gay marriage
Public health initiatives

Of course, he could be for public stonings of gays who have had abortions--that would be worse (certainly for me, his cousin), but good golly, he doesn't look so good from here!

But one site should not be my sole source--I will investigate further, and report back.

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