Friday, November 07, 2008

Dipping a toe into the comic water...

Tomorrow night I am opening for a comedy night in a town near Palmer I have never heard of--Bondsville. It will be my first set in a while, and I am looking forward to it, even if I've been so busy with work and what-all (yes, that includes Linda) I haven't had the time to really think about it. Much.

My biggest hurdle will be finding the place, then it will be a piece o' cake.

That's my story.....

Haven't logged in since the election, and I am soooooo happy that the country was ready for an African American president after all.

And the dear people of Massachusetts were wise enough to say "No" to a crazy tax cut, and say "Yes" to reduced penalties for pot and the end of mistreating dogs for entertainment purposes.

The only election-day downer was that a lot of anti-gay ballot "initiatives" were passed.

So, most Americans are cool with people of color, pot and puppies.

But not the likes of me.

Democracy ain't for sissies, apparently.

If memory serves, the puppies didn't do so well their first time on the ballot, either. So if we're following the footsteps of puppies, how bad could things be?

And maybe with enough pot, the homophobes of the world will relax....

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