Saturday night at the Studio was the usual joy--there was a great crowd that was there to laugh (other nights it can seem they're there to critique), and that helped inspire a really good set. Kudos from other comics and a few dear members of the audience capped my night--while I drove there and back alone, I felt grand. It was good to be back at Rick's place!
Did mostly material on gay marriage, as I missed a protest on Saturday in my home town on the subject and felt a wee bit guilty. I took a nap instead of protesting, as I was going to be up WAY past my bedtime, and needed to be "fresh" (or as fresh as I get). This gal knows her limits. Linda, bless her heart, went and toted a sign based on a portion of one of my jokes.
Used to do disco naps; now I do comedy naps. What strange forms progress takes, uh?