This address in a small Midwestern factory town was the launching pad for a life that has been messy, painful, Catholic, overseas, underpaid, in denial, in recovery, coming out, standing up, increasing glorious (if flawed), and under construction for over 50 years.
This logo comes from the aptly-named House of Wisconsin cheese in Madison. The place for cheesecurds and all things gloriously tacky with Wisconsin themes, such as cheesehead hats, Bucky Badger and Packer chotchkes of all description and more cow paraphenalia than you can shake an udder at (not that one should do such things). I asked the proprietor if I could place this logo on my blog, as I, too, am a "genuine article" from America's Dairyland, and feel I've earned the right to this badge of wholesome honor...of sorts. He kindly agreed.
Besides, so many people have "Holiday" themed nonsense on their blog--I thought it would be nice to have something different, don't you?
Well, there isn't much to catch up on at the moment, but once we've opened our presents, there may be. Christmas in Lesbianville--you know there's some Carhartt involved, but that's all I'm saying, for now.
According to my sources, many of the entries in the blog I began on MySpace won't be accessible to anyone but MySpace members, and I am never comfortable with restrictions on info, even my humble mutterings.
So I'm going to try to keep posting in both places, but for simplicity's (if not sanity's) sake, I may ditch my old, decrepit website over on Verizon.
Besides, I have been reading Dr. Wayne Dyer's book on the Tao lately, and per the dear doctor, the Tao suggests jettisoning as much "stuff" as possible.
Particularly stuff one likes.
While I am a fan of the "less is more" school, I can't say that I'm quite ready to give up a few of my favorite things quite yet. But, with Linda raising the Early Retirement spectre early and often, I have begun getting rid of things that I don't really need that cost me money. For instance, I cancelled an e-mail account I have had since the dawn of time today that I only used to gain dial-up access out at the cottage about twice this summer. Maybe once. $18/month for one dialup per year just doesn't seem worthwhile, does it?
Now, I'm going to look over the old website and see if its time is nigh. It won't save me any money to give it the heave-ho, but it may lighten my psychic load.
And if any gal needs her psychic load lightened, it is yours truly.