Thursday, February 01, 2007

Go get squished!

A woman I did some freelance work for in California sent me news of Molly Ivins' death from breast cancer yesterday, with just one note: "Do get a mammogram." Molly put it a little more colorfully, as was her style, and I hope you don't mind my jumping on the mammo bandwagon:

If you are of the female persuasion and you have breasts that haven't been put through the wringer for over a year, get thee to a radiologist!

Common Dreams has a good obituary of her, and the reader comments pretty much sum up my feelings about Molly. She was brilliant, biting, and suffered no fools gladly--and used the language she learned growing up in Texas to tremendous effect. She was, in a word, a hoot.

Learned that she went to Smith, right here in Lesbianville, and that her mother went here as well. Love that she once had Northampton as her stamping ground, yes I do.

Also can't help but love the fact that her greatest wish was to die sober. And she did just that. Would love to follow her footsteps there as well.

But she was just 62, and you have to be young indeed not to be sad about that. What a loss...

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