Oh my goddess, I thought I was going to buy the farm last night. My stomach felt as though it was going to explode--I had terrible, painful cramps and could barely stand up straight. Turns out I simply had a really bad case of The Gas.
All I needed was a little simethecone (SP?) and sleep.
What amazes me is that I never felt this bad from eating anything, except that time in the mid-1980s when my brother asked me to try a local (to NE Wisc.) delicacy, fried lake perch. So, I took a little on a fork with a dab of tartar sauce, and it almost killed me.
Turns out I'm really, really allergic to lake perch, and had such a violent reaction to a little forkful of fish I haven't been able to contemplate fish as a food since.
Yes, since the mid-1980s. (What have I missed? Mercury poisoning, that's what.)
Anyway, I'm still puzzling over what it was that gave me The Gas That Almost Killed Me, but am drawing blanks. I had the same vegetables and ground beef for supper that Linda did, and she was fine. We had the same WW ice cream treats for dessert. The only thing I had that she didn't was one of those "Honest" teas--Moroccan Mint green tea with a hint of sugar.
But I've had that in the past and lived--good grief, I used to drink real Moroccan mint tea with scoops of sugar by the gallon when I lived there 20 years ago--so what, exactly, was the culprit?
We may never know....
So, besides this brush with death by internal combustion, what else is new? Linda and I have been on a TV strike this week, and it appears to be agreeing with us. I do find myself actually missing the company the Tube provides when I work at home and have my lunch in relative silence (but for my Shwea licking her chops in anticipation of what may fall off my plate), but otherwise, I haven't missed much. Okay, except for the premiere of "Weeds" this Monday night. I do adore Mary Louise Parker, yes I do....
Otherwise, I was turned down by the Red Cross again for having a slightly low iron count. I guess that makes three times I've been turned back by these folks this year, so perhaps I need to ask my doctor about it. Am seeing him next week for my finger that has started to lock on me--yes, aging is a bizarre bit of business--so perhaps I can sneak this into my five-minute appointment.
Lastly, I have a new picture of yours truly at her high school reunion, which raises the question, "Ann Podolske, when did you become the Amazon of your class?"